proceedings of the 51st rencontre assyriologique internationale held at the oriental institute of the university of chicago
Robert HAWLEY Liste des publications
By C Proust · 2017 · Cited by 5 — Proceedings of the 51st Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale held at the University Chicago: The Oriental Institute. ———. 2008b. ), Proceedings of the 51st Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale
. held at the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago July 18. By CJ Robin · 2008 — T. Roth (éditeurs), Proceedings of the 51st Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale Held at the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. By Z Niederreiter · 2008 · Cited by 16 — Proceedings of the 51st Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale Held at the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, July 18–22, 2005. ), Proceedings of the 51st. Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale held at the Oriental Institute of the. University of Chicago July 18-22, 2005, Chicago, 2008.
Le regard de “Naram-Sin” ou le sens du détail
University of chicago. 2008. “On the alphabetic scribal curriculum at ugarit.” in Proceedings of the 51st Rencontre Assyriologique. Internationale, Held at the. ), Proceedings of the 51st Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Held at the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, July 18-22, 2005, Chicago, 2008. The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, July 18-22, 2005. Proceedings of th 51st Rencontre assyriologique internationale. Oxbow. Myers et M.T. Roth(éds), Proceedings of the 51st Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale Held at the Oriental Institute of the University of. By P Attinger · Cited by 69 — Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale held at the Oriental Institute of the. University of Chicago July 18-22, 2005, Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization.
Proceedings of the 51st Rencontre. Assyriologique Internationale Held at the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago July 18-22, 2005 (éd. R.D. Biggs. Proceedings of the International Conference held at the University of Proceedings of the 51st Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale,. Chicago. Journal of ceedings of the 51st Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale held at the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, July 18–22, 2005,. ), Proceedings of the 51st Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale Held at the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, July 18-22, 2005, SAOC 62.
Syrian Heritage Revival
Proceedings of the 51st Rencontre. Assyriologique Internationale Held at the Oriental Institute of the. University of Chicago, July 18-22, 2005. (Studies in. ), Proceedings of the. 51st Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale held at the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago July 18-22, 2005, Chicago, sous. University of Beirut sous la direction de L. Proceedings of the 51st Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Chicago, The Oriental Institute. Roth (éds), Proceedings of the 51st Rencontre assyriologique internationale (SAOC, 62), The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, Chicago, 2008, p.
Proceedings of th 51st Rencontre assyriologique internationale
), Proceedings of the 51st Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale held at the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago July 18-22, 2005, SAOC 62. Proceedings of the 56th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale at Barcelona Chicago/Londres, 1964, p. 156-157. Voir D. Charpin & N. Ziegler. Myers et M.T. Roth(éds), Proceedings of the 51st Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale Held at the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago July 18. Roth (eds), Proceedings of the 51st Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale (Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization; 62), Oriental Institute of the.